Lunch Buddy Benefits

What are the benefits to students?

Research shows that a positive relationship with a mentor can greatly enhance a child’s self-esteem, academic and long-term success.

Students in mentoring relationships are less likely to:

  • miss school
  • consume illegal drugs
  • engage in school violence, or
  • try alcohol or illegal drugs

Mentored students are more likely to:

  • have higher GPAs
  • go to college
  • have positive relationships with parents and peers, and
  • have a better attitude toward school, family, and careers.

The benefits of a program such as Lunch Buddies are endless. Current research suggests that children who have an adult mentor are 55% more likely to enroll in college and 130% more likely to hold a leadership position later in life. (The Mentor Effect, 2014) Additionally, mentoring also encourages positive social relationships and has a lasting impact on a child's trust and communication skills. (The Role of Risk, 2013)

What are the benefits to mentors?

One hour of a mentor’s time each week pays dividends to the student and to the community for years to come.

Mentors have the opportunity to:

  • Share their talents, experience, and wisdom
  • Gain deeper insight into the challenges that students and schools are facing in our current culture
  • Celebrate successes and learning opportunities
  • Be a part of developing a child's self-efficacy and helping them to say: "I CAN!"

Get Involved

1. Become a Mentor : Sign up today by contacting the Lunch Buddy Coordinator.

2. Spread the Word : Let other community members know about this great program.

3. Support the Program : The generosity of caring donors fuels the Lunch Buddy program, ensuring that all students get to “I can”! If you are unable to commit your time but would like to support the program, please contact Elizabeth Anderson: